April 2003

Posted by: admin Comments: 0

Greetings to all our friends again.

We have had a good start to the new year and are all once again fired up to get the building started and a move on for the babies so desperately needing homes.

Only tonight I had a call from an irate policewoman who had been left with a wee babe of only 3 weeks old, and nowhere to take it! Please pray with us that we will soon be operational again and be able to help these tiny little mites, so helpless and so defenseless to the woes of this world.

“A VOICE FOR THE VOICELESS” presentation at the Playhouse on the 11th April went very well, with Colin drumming a thundering “Drums Triumphant,” a recital of of 40 drums, a Power Point presentation of Shepherd’s Keep’s lifesaving endeavours in the field of support for the abandoned babies of South Africa.

Shepherd’s Keep admin staff and management have to date been preparing for the facility at the recently purchased property, that will accommodate 60 babies from birth to six months old, ensuring homes in families are sought and found in that time. We plan to start the foundations very soon, as all red tape has been passed.

HANDS OF MERCY, the extended ministry of Shepherd’s Keep is running smoothly from a room on the same property, occupied by thousands of items of infection control supplies, which are packed into boxes and taken into the rural areas of Kwa Zulu Natal, to tend the AIDS sufferers, through care givers. The packing is a happy time, and the radio plays softly in the background, where the packers quietly reflect on the suffering of the folk and what a warm bath with all that goes with it, and a hot cup of soup can do to alleviate their pain.

We especially thank our sponsors for the funds which enable us to purchase these supplies. We take this opportunity to thank each donor, sponsor, prayer warrior and friend, for the ongoing support you have shown us during these months of 2003. We are so grateful to each one of you. To God be the glory for all that He does and for His hand on each step forward, knowing just when to implement another stage and carry us through.

God bless you all

Management and staff of SHEPHERD’S KEEP

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