We believe that every baby has the right to loving arms, a warm bed and a full stomach no matter what their life expectancy is.
Should funds be wasted on terminally ill HIV/Aids positive babies?
This is what many people ask us.
" I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. "
-Psalm 139: 14
We answer with a question -
- Would people spend money on caring for terminally ill cancer patients, would they ‘waste’ money on painkillers and making the patient as comfortable as possible during their last days?
- Is it better that an abandoned baby die in the bush rather than in someone’s arms?
- Does the fact that a baby is abandoned and sick make it less valuable to God, less worthy of treatment and love?
- Does a newborn baby choose to be infected with HIV by his positive mother?
We know that babies don't ask to be HIV infected…We believe that every baby has the right to loving arms, a warm bed and a full stomach no matter what their life expectancy is.
We also believe that every baby has the right to a normal family life and this is the objective for our healthy babies - to ensure they are fostered or adopted.
With the distribution of Anti-retroviral drugs still in its infancy, we need to press on and provide the love and care so necessary in the lives of these babies. Shepherd's Keep does this through:
- Nurseries modelled on home nursing, not institutions.
- Surrogate mothering by staff.
- De-institutionalizing of babies.
- Superior level of care and commitment.
- Immune boosting medical and nutritional plans.
- Holistic approach incorporating both physical, spiritual and emotional care
Of a recent survey of 700 households in South Africa where at least one person was sick with Aids already, it was found that: - two thirds of the sick were women and girls – average age 33
- two thirds of households reported loss of income due to Aids
- one quarter of children under 15 had lost one parent to Aids
- 12% of children sent to live elsewhere, 8% of children under 18 primary caregivers
- one quarter of caregivers were over the age of 60
- only 50% of respondents had publicly acknowledged having Hiv/Aids
- more than half households had paid for at least one funeral last year, costing 4 times a monthly wage
- Southern African Stats: 3.8 million newly infected adults and children in year 2000
- 2.4 million child/adult deaths in year 2000
- 200 Hiv positive babies born every day (roughly 70,000 every year – South African Paediatric Association) of which 35,000 could be negative if administered Nevirapine at birth

The work days are long and the nights even longer, but the staff sing songs of Jesus and their pure sweet voices ring out like angels, bringing healing and deliverance one baby was at deaths door the doctors said, “just hold him” and he is thriving and putting on weight this is only possible with God as man cannot heal him!
"With hindsight, we realise that by overcoming our cowardice and visiting the home, we are richer for the experience. Nothing could prepare us for the warmth and love that radiates there."
Daily News, 2 December 1999 - Seema Diahnan and Ashmika Mahara
We are extremely thankful for each and every sponsor of Shepherds Keep.