July 2008

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During the year, we have had 529 volunteers pass through our gates and leave with certificates of compentence in baby care, which we , as a community project, are really proud of.

These volunteers have hailed from all over the world and many come from our local schools who have to do community work in Grade 11, so they all come to Shepherd’s Keep, and learn especially, how much work is involved in looking after just 1 baby!

We want to personally thank each and every one of you—you make such a diference to the babies, they long for your faces and your smiles and and your voices and the happiness you bring each day–bless you all!

Our local Police force, and Police Station, have made Shepherd’s Keep their project for the years to come, and will use Shepherd’s Keep extensively for the babies that come their way, as the preferred place to bring them to.

We have been advertised in the local media as the only place who is open 24hrs on a daily basis, every single day of the year.
We have, in instances had babies in the middle of the night who were turned away from other such places, as the gates were locked.
We also encourage mothers to buzz our gate to call an assistant to recieve their baby, no questions asked.
We feel, this is a far better option that abortion for the moms, and if they know they can do this, it is a life saving plan for the babies.

Life at Shepherd’s Keep is never dull, in fact it is the happiest place to visit during the day or night–last night as I was checking on the babies, the peals of pure laughter coming from our mentally challenged boy of 2 yrs old, were sheer joy songs from the Lord–he was laughing with such glee, and my heart was so warmed to know that he is so happy and has been since birth, with the very best of nursing that he could have.

Our staff are to be commended, we have employed a new supervisor, who is just loving her job and the chance of ministry in such a place, we welcome Debbie on board and know that she is here to stay.

Debbie is a qualified aromatherapist as well, who will massage the babies at diferent times of the day–the babes enjoy this and is so good for them.

We have also been blessed to have a number of “birth mums” hand over their precious bundles to adoptive parents at birth–a wonderful thing to do, to actually be brave enough to say, ” I am too young”, or ” I am not in a position to give this child everything he needs” to you young girls–bravo, and I commend you for being so honest with yourselves and with your baby’s long term happiness! God bless each one of you very special ladies. You have given life, where there could not be!

Once again, we thank all our funders, and to all of you out there who deposit monies directly into our SETCOM account on the website, thankyou so much, how grateful we are for each donation! Bless you all!!

During the year, we have had 529 volunteers pass through our gates and leave with certificates of compentence in baby care, which we , as a community project, are really proud of.

These volunteers have hailed from all over the world and many come from our local schools who have to do community work in Grade 11, so they all come to Shepherd’s Keep, and learn especially, how much work is involved in looking after just 1 baby!

We want to personally thank each and every one of you—you make such a diference to the babies, they long for your faces and your smiles and and your voices and the happiness you bring each day–bless you all!

Our local Police force, and Police Station, have made Shepherd’s Keep their project for the years to come, and will use Shepherd’s Keep extensively for the babies that come their way, as the preferred place to bring them to.

We have been advertised in the local media as the only place who is open 24hrs on a daily basis, every single day of the year.
We have, in instances had babies in the middle of the night who were turned away from other such places, as the gates were locked.
We also encourage mothers to buzz our gate to call an assistant to recieve their baby, no questions asked.
We feel, this is a far better option that abortion for the moms, and if they know they can do this, it is a life saving plan for the babies.

Life at Shepherd’s Keep is never dull, in fact it is the happiest place to visit during the day or night–last night as I was checking on the babies, the peals of pure laughter coming from our mentally challenged boy of 2 yrs old, were sheer joy songs from the Lord–he was laughing with such glee, and my heart was so warmed to know that he is so happy and has been since birth, with the very best of nursing that he could have.

Our staff are to be commended, we have employed a new supervisor, who is just loving her job and the chance of ministry in such a place, we welcome Debbie on board and know that she is here to stay.

Debbie is a qualified aromatherapist as well, who will massage the babies at diferent times of the day–the babes enjoy this and is so good for them.

We have also been blessed to have a number of “birth mums” hand over their precious bundles to adoptive parents at birth–a wonderful thing to do, to actually be brave enough to say, ” I am too young”, or ” I am not in a position to give this child everything he needs” to you young girls–bravo, and I commend you for being so honest with yourselves and with your baby’s long term happiness! God bless each one of you very special ladies. You have given life, where there could not be!

Once again, we thank all our funders, and to all of you out there who deposit monies directly into our SETCOM account on the website, thankyou so much, how grateful we are for each donation! Bless you all!!


And for all the parcels we receive in the post. sometimes without a forwarding address, know that The Lord sees everything, and great is your reward! Thankyou!

For all the grannies around the Bluff, who knit faithfully and sew for us, God bless you all and thankyou, your work is so appreciated as we know you sew and knit love into every stitch!

All other donations, and companies who faithfully deliver us goods from month to month–we applaud you all, and salute you for your goodness! We are so appreciative and know that everytime we go to that product, we immediately think of you , and give thanks! Bless you all! You are just so kind!

Our surplus clothes and blankets have been going out on a regular basis to Burlington Squatter ministries and also to Elim Community Church, who have many locally planted churches with many needs in the rural areas of Natal.
We have had letters and Cd’s of their donations being given out, and they are also so thankful! We share when we have, and God is faithful, so we always have enough! It is so good to know that other babies who had nothing, now have something for the cold winter!

Our babies during the past year have been so beautiful, and each one seems more radiant than the next–we miss them when they go into their forever families, but that is what we are all about, never institutionalising a child–but giving the child a chance at long term and forever happiness through our wonderful adoptions all over the world.

To all our medical staff—especially, Dr Roos, Doctor Wessles and Whitehorn and Dr Van Wyk –also Bouer and Partners, for your long association and your voluntary services at “no charge” will always be greatly appreciated and remembered.

Thankyou for kind touches to these little ones, your loving concern and always your excellent medical care and advice!

We thank you all again, for making another wonderful year possible.
God bless you all

from the desk of Cheryl Pratley

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