February 2005

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Shepherd’s Keep Homes for abandoned HIV/AIDS Babies

The site is abuzz with excitement as artisans and friends rally around to try and get the finishing touches done so that we can at least open a couple of the new nurseries very soon!

The lights are in and power is on, with over 500 lights and fittings in place.

The geysers are in and the plumbing nearly finished, with many basins, troughs and baby baths to show for this.

The floors are beautiful and of soft colours to keep the general outlook light and bright, airy and spacy—the walls and doors painted in soft colours.

The garden is slowly coming on, with not much time given to it yet, but plenty of grass has been planted and the surrounds are green and lush.

Paving is being done between the chapel and the main building, the last of the paving delivered this week.

We are ourselves amazed at the huge venture and step we have taken, and need much prayer to get us through obstacles that may still have to be overcome, but we are more amazed at God’s greatness and His faithfulness in completing what He started out to do through us, and His faith in this project—when we look at it, we know we could NEVER have done this in our own strength, so we give God all the glory , because He certainly has done great things!

We thank ALL our donors and wonderful folk who have come around us at this time to make this dream physically come true—God uses people!

Grateful thanks especially at this time to Peter the electrician and Leon the plumber, more faithful folk , we couldn’t have been blessed with!

God bless you all
Colin, Cheryl and Michelle

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