November 2003

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With awe and admiration for our God, we humbly bow our knees before Him and thank Him for the beautiful new building being erected for the abandoned babies of Durban and surrounding areas in South Africa.

The top floor is now under construction and is at window height, and the builders tell us the roof will be on by Christmas time!

We have an incredible crew of folk working on the building, who whistle and sing while they work in the baking hot sun of Natal—they all know what the building is for, and their hearts are really in their work. We thank God for each of their part in Shepherd’s Keep.

We have chosen the roof colour and exterior wall paint, and interior paint as well.

This is a vision that God gave us 6 years ago, an L-shaped building, and the ramps and no stairs were part of the vision too, with lots of air and space and light!

A sea-view emerged from behind the trees that were cut down, so we have instructed the architect to incorporate the view at every opportunity.

The chapel is under construction and will have a huge lit up cross in the front of it, as a beacon to those who are looking for us at night, who bring in a baby.

The chapel will be a place of praise and worship and a place of sanctuary and prayer for our staff.

We are very thankful for support from folk, and know that with out this, Shepherd’s Keep would not be! Thank you from us all and God bless you.

Our support group is going well and we will be celebrating Christmas time with a function—we all have a wonderfully happy time, each time we meet, with lots of fun and laughter.

Hands of Mercy is still sending out parcels of infection control supplies to the outlying areas of Natal, and we have had feedback from grateful folk who have ministered to dying patients and have really been able to help them with supplies—we pray this ministry will continue and expand, as we have a chance to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. Please continue to pray for all that is needed for a large project such as this, and for stamina for staff, healing for the sick.

Until next time
Sincerest thanks and blessings to all our friends
Cheryl Pratley

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