September 2003

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It is with much excitement that we are actually seeing God in action fulfilling our vision—it is almost as if He is running with it, so fast, that we have to stand back—remember, unless God build the house, we build in vain !

The trees have been felled as the property was secured on the 1st June, and the huge space for our building is now open and ready for the earthworks to start on the 14th July.

The builders move on site on that date and away we go, with our beautiful building for the abandoned and HIV/AIDS babies we have prayed for and believed God would do for them—it is so amazing!

God is so faithful if we don’t waiver in our faith and persevere only believing that He is able—we give Him all the glory!

In the meantime, adoption agencies have been sought out and relationship building with these folk has developed, which is so important, as there is so much evil in the world and we make very sure of who our babies go to.

We take this opportunity again, of saying thank you to all corporate and private companies and individuals for ongoing donations—this is what is making SHEPHERD’S KEEP possible.

Bless you all!

Our HIV/AIDS support group is doing well and we are praying that God would direct more folk to us for counseling and help.

The infection control supplies are reaching far and wide and are in great demand, helping many to live more comfortably in their last days.

We pay tribute to the care workers out there who dedicate their lives for others, and in most difficult circumstances—God bless you and thank you!

We will keep you updated on the progress of the building, and remember, all building donations are most welcome at this time

Thank you all!


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